Monday, May 18, 2009

Going Green | Prayer

Good Morning Yardigans,

First, let me start by saying that I was so excited to see you all last night. I know that it has only been a week, but I have really missed you all. I hope that school is not killing any of you and that you are all studying hard for the AP tests that have passed and the finals that are to come. You will be fine, just STUDY!!

Anyway, for a wrap up of last night...
We ended our series on the topic of prayer. I know that in our circles, or at least in the Christian circle we throw that word around a lot...I mean A LOT!! But how many of us actually pray for someone when we say we will. How many of us spend time specifically each day in prayer?

We answered 3 simple questions.
#1 What is prayer?
#2 How do we pray?
#3 Do I pray? (I didn't answer this have to)

#1 Pray is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

What an idea? That prayer is our way to touch the heart of the Father. The reality is that it is just a conversation. It is simply the direct line we have with God. The hard part some times though, is that conversation requires 2 people communicating, that means 2 people talking back and forth. That is where I lose some of you. When I said this last night, I had so many faces giving me the same look I always get when I say listen for God's voice...(really Rocky, I have been a Christian "my whole life" and I have never heard God's voice..face). I know that you get tired of hearing that, but until you decide to really listen, don't tell me you can't hear him, that just doesn't make sense.

#2 How can I pray:
1. First you must start praying. (for those of you not here yet)
2. Find a time and stick to it. (if you hate mornings, don't choose morning time for prayer)
3. Pray out loud. (if will help you not daydream if you make yourself form complete sentences)
4. Make a list. (it is cool to see God start crossing stuff off your list)
5. Use a prayer journal. (and put your list in the journal)
6. Don't start with a novel, just a main idea.(you don't to write a prayer novel, just pray)
7. Use time that you would normally waste.(ie. time spent on Facebook, texting, so on)
8. ACTS.(Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.(look them up)

#3 Do you pray?
I know that seems a little weird to be asked a question when the pastor is supposed to do all the answering, but this one requires your input and your energy. You see I can give you tons of tips, and tons of ideas. I could write out a prayer for you to use as an example and you could have 10 pages of notes on prayer. But if you don’t pray then it is a waste of time.

So take some time this week, listen to the Podcast again and pray.....

Love you all...Peace

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